Ok, so I’m sure you’ve heard that B. Hussein Obama (Ann Coulter cracks me up) had to give up his beloved BlackBerry. So this is what he gets to replace it, the Sectera Edge (http://www.gdc4s.com/content/detail.cfm?item=32640fd9-0213-4330-a742-55106fbaff32). I’ve used Blackberries, Windows Mobile / Pocket PC devices (everything since the brand new Compaq Ipaq came out in ~’01) and now the iPhone 3G, and I think it’s simply amazing that no one talks about the fact that the military uses Windows Mobile over Blackberry. I know three people now that have turned their Blackberry Storm back in because it’s slow to respond,won’t always answer a call, and the amount of pressure to push makes it seem like you’re going to break it.
RIM – Give up.