The BarackBerry

Ok, so I’m sure you’ve heard that B. Hussein Obama (Ann Coulter cracks me up) had to give up his beloved BlackBerry. So this is what he gets to replace it, the Sectera Edge ( I’ve used Blackberries, Windows Mobile / Pocket PC devices (everything since the brand new Compaq Ipaq came out in ~’01) and now the iPhone 3G, and I think it’s simply amazing that no one talks about the fact that the military uses Windows Mobile over Blackberry. I know three people now that have turned their Blackberry Storm back in because it’s slow to respond,won’t always answer  a call, and the amount of pressure to push makes it seem like you’re going to break it.

RIM – Give up.

Posted in Tech, Tech Stuff | 2 Comments

Gran Torino

Ok, something I should have started a long time ago. My thoughts about the stuff I see/do/use. I’ve probably driven a couple hundred different cars over the years not to mention tech equipment and moovies.

Here goes the first one.

Gran Torino

Gran Torino-

Awesome movie. Clint is the man. If I ever met him I’d probably be apprehensive before the awe would set in. He’s just so intimidating. His little grunts etc. really say so much more than actions. The movie is an onslaught of  racial slurs that had the whole movie theater laughing. Definitely rated ‘R’ for a reason. Not for kids. There were a couple of times where the laughter was so much that you missed the next dialog. The car of course is sweet. There were some very predictable parts, including the ending, but I thought it was done well. It’s always questionable when the movie is starred, directed, and produced by the same person, but it didn’t have a spotlight on one person feel to it.  It’s a must see, and for the humor I can guarantee I’ll buy the DVD.

Posted in Moovies | 4 Comments


Went to a hockey game tonight. Final score 12-4, we won. What a blast. My kid and I had a 24-seat box section all to ourselves.  I think we sat in every seat… just because we could. I told him I’d buy him a jersey if we scored 5 goals, and I’d buy me one if they scored 10. Yup, I’m out $130 but we each have a cool jersey to wear to future games now.

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments


It was so cold this morning, if it was 50 degrees warmer, water would still freeze!

Yea, it's cold outside

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My First Post (part deux)

Ok, I moved the whole site from one host to another and didn’t plan for the blog. I’m trying to figure out if I can export from there and import here, so we’ll see, but don’t count on it.

Posted in Uncategorized | 7 Comments