Ok, so I’m sure you’ve heard that B. Hussein Obama (Ann Coulter cracks me up) had to give up his beloved BlackBerry. So this is what he gets to replace it, the Sectera Edge (http://www.gdc4s.com/content/detail.cfm?item=32640fd9-0213-4330-a742-55106fbaff32). I’ve used Blackberries, Windows Mobile / Pocket PC devices (everything since the brand new Compaq Ipaq came out in ~’01) and now the iPhone 3G, and I think it’s simply amazing that no one talks about the fact that the military uses Windows Mobile over Blackberry. I know three people now that have turned their Blackberry Storm back in because it’s slow to respond,won’t always answer a call, and the amount of pressure to push makes it seem like you’re going to break it.
RIM – Give up.
Ditto, I’ve used everything but the Palm platform (or at least can’t recall using it, could have been a short-lived trial? Really hard to say, since I go through consumer electronics like uhh, I don’t know, insert some witty analogy)
>> RIM – Give up.
I hope they don’t 🙂 I’ll take my 8830 crackberry over any of the Windows mobile devices any day.
Gave my iPhone away to one of my developers – love the device/platform (yes, I’m a borderline mac fanboy after converting to my macbook/imac/macmini’s), but the AT&T exclusivity is a dealbreaker for me, since their coverage everywhere I go is craptastic compared to Verizon, and in the end I need a phone to work as umm, a phone.
If the iphone ever comes to VZW I’ll be one of those retards lining up and waiting for days, but until then my Blackberry serves me better than any Windows mobile or iphone ever did….
I had a Palm III and the Palm V. They were good as a small PIM, but as with most devices back then with no connectivity they had no future.
Yea, the standard Blackberries are good for email and small attachement viewing, but as the iPhone has proven, there’s 1000 other things you can do with a phone, and the BB’s won’t do any of them worth a hoot. They’re good for executive-types I suppose but if you can get something that does more, why not?
You can get the iPhone’s unlocked and use them on T-Mobile if that helps you at all. Where I’m at AT&T has no 3G, but I seem to be surrounded by Wi-Fi. I’m definitely not an Apple fanboy as MS has put food on my table for about ever, but it sure is a nice phone, albeit with its own problems.
To each their own.